Third Party Administration Services

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MMB Third Party Administration
Self-Insured Options For Large Organizations

Clients who meet requirements in the state of TN can be self-insured with the help of Third Party Administration (TPA) Services. Tri State Claims in Greeneville Tn. can provide TPA services for workers compensation, casualty lines and property lines of coverage. Municipalities, hospitals and manufacturing are normally the types of organizations that benefit most from these types of TPA services.

  • Pick and choose your providers
  • More control
  • Quick and easy processing
Improved Claims Service

Streamlined process for claims and more control over treatment. Have a say which doctors, attorneys are used and much more.

Workmans Comp. Control

TPA services off more financial control over your workers compensation expenses.

Cost Effective Plans

If it makes sense for your company, using TPA services may provide financial benefits beyond the traditional insurance plans used in large scale organizations.

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HURRICANE HELENE UPDATE: For all claims related inquiries, please contact us here. For all other inquiries, please contact our local office and we will respond as soon as possible. Phone: (423) 639-5171
The U.S. Small Business Administration disaster loans may be available to homeowners, renters, and businesses of all sizes in areas covered by a disaster declaration.
Apply TN Disaster Declaration